IPL Skin Rejuvenation

At Indulgence Skin Spa we use the Trios by Viora for permanent hair reduction & skin rejuvenation.

The Trios™ IPL system is based on the principle of Selective Photothermolysis by which concentrated pulses of light target specific chromophores in the skin (i.e. light sensitive cells such as melanin and oxyhaemoglobin). The absorption of light by the specific targeted chromophore induces a physiological or chemical change in the cell formation, ultimately achieving the desired clinical effect.

Using the Skin Rejuvenation (SR) application, Trios™ addresses these various symptoms by emitting concentrated flashes of light to target specific chromophores and cells (melanin, haemoglobin and fibroblast cells). Pulses of light ignite a micro-trauma in the dermal-epidermal junction, initiating a natural healing process working from the inside out. This process increases blood flow to the treatment area and shortens and contracts fibrils that induce collagen remodelling and promote stronger, healthier skin in the long-term.


Is Trios™ right for me?

Trios™ offers a variety of aesthetic applications including long term hair removal, photo-rejuvenation, acne clearance and skin pigmentation treatments that target sun damage and age spots. During your consultation phase, the IPL Technician will be able to best determine your needs.

Does it hurt?

Any phototherapy treatment involves slight discomfort. Sensitivities are individual and most clients describe the sensation as a rubber band snap. Trios™ offers unrivalled comfort and minimal pain in phototherapy procedures. Prior to the treatment, the IPL Technician applies a cooling gel to the treatment area so you may only feel a slight stinging.

Are there any side effects?

Some clients may experience slight redness or a burning sensation in the treatment area. This is a completely normal response and usually disappears within a few hours. Aloe vera gel or post IPL cream may be applied post treatment to cool the skin. Most clients experience no additional side effects.

How many treatments are required?

Skin Rejuvenation – A treatment course generally consists of 4-6 treatments (depending on the symptoms treated) at 3-4 week intervals. Maintenance treatments may be performed as necessary once every 6 months.

What does the treatment involve?

After the initial consultation, a test patch procedure will be performed to determine suitability for treatment and to evaluate the ideal treatment program. The IPL Technician and client are provided with eye protection during the test and gel is applied to the treatment area. Using the specific TriosTM hand piece, the IPL Technician will perform a small number of pulses on the skin; clients may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation.As some clients are more sensitive than others, aloe vera gel or post IPL cream may be applied if the skin reddens.

Is there anything clients need to do post treatment?

Your IPL Technician will be able to provide you with specific post treatment instructions, depending on the specific treatment and site. In general however, clients undergoing IPL treatments are advised to avoid sun exposure and sun beds for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment course and after each treatment session. A minimum of SPF30 should be applied on exposed treated areas during the entire treatment course.

When will I see results?

When treating aged skin with the Skin Rejuvenation application, immediate post treatment results are evident. However, collagen remodelling continues over time and results improve up to 2-3 weeks post treatment.

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Area & Cost

Full Face $175
Face, Neck & Decolletage $300
Neck $80
Decolletage $150
Hands $75 Spot Treatment From $50

Add Skin Rejuvenation (full face) to another facial treatment (ie Non Surgical Face Lift) for only an extra $99

Indulgence Skin Spa & Wellness Centre

Address 182-186 Spencer St

Bunbury WA

Ph 9792 5583 / 0435 562 892

Opening Hours:

Tue~Fri 9.00 - 5.30, Sat 9.00 - 1.00